林之謙現為台灣大學土木系營建管理組助理教授。他擁有伊利諾大學土木工程博士、資訊工程碩士,,並且共同創辦公司Reconstruct Inc。他專精於電腦視覺、深度學習。其研究主要透過應用相關技術於巨量工程影像資料及建築資訊模型,進行土木工程專案管理及進度管控。由其研發的虛擬工程生產管理系統,可以有效地整合四維建築資訊模型及工地點雲模型預測工程進度。他擁有多年美國實務工作經驗,並擅長運用相關經驗發展產學合作研究。他的研究曾發表於世界經濟論壇 (World Economic Forum ),並受到麻省理工科技評論(MIT Technology Review)頭版報導 。他在2015年發表關於自動化無人機應用於工程進度管控之論文也獲得美國土木工程師學會最佳論文獎。他擔任多項期刊之審稿人、發表超過20篇研討會論文及期刊,研究也已被引用超過300次。他的專長在於同時擁有營建管理學術、實務經驗與資訊工程技術,以深入理解營建管理問題,運用適當先進人工智慧技術解決真實世界土木工程議題,並充實營建管理之知識體系(Body of Knowledge )。 Jacob Lin is an Assistant Professor at National Taiwan University in the Department of Civil Engineering. He received his PhD in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He received his MS in Computer Science from UIUC, and MS and BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from National Taiwan University. His research focuses on developing and validating computer vision and machine learning algorithms with visual data and Building Information Modelling (BIM) for construction project controls. He has developed a production management system that integrates and visualizes 4D BIM with Reality model and enables proactive management of schedule delays. His work is recognized by awards and recognitions from World Economic Forum and MIT Tech Review. He has also won the best paper award at the 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering for his work on visualizing big visual data for automated UAV-driven construction progress monitoring.